Educational websites are internet based that are designed for student's learning needs and goals. It is a wonderful tool to keep students engaged and interested. These websites are very reliable and great for teachers because they are maintained by individuals with the credentials and authority to write about it. These websites provide everything from ideas for lessons for teachers, a place for students to be able to communicate with professionals and college students and be able to get their expertise or their opinion. There are also websites that allow students to take a virtual field trip and explore, as well as provide practice activities so they can practice the material they have been learning. I believe its a great way to keep kids engaged because the students of today are all about technology. What better way to get their attention than letting them explore the web.

Photo cred: Heather
Tech Tool: Website for the Science Museum of Minnesota
This website is a wonderful website that students can access at any time. The website provides activities that students can do online that are very age appropriate and you can see that the website is specifically designed for them.
This chapter is about students using websites and apps that can keep students engaged and interacted in the lessons. It provides multiple examples. In my classroom I will definitely use websites and apps because students of the upcoming generations will be more and more reliant on technology and it is a wonderful way to keep their attention.
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Neat link to the Science Museum of Minnesota! How would you incorporate such websites into your classroom? Can you give a specific example to deepen your knowledge by applying the website to a lesson? Try to take advantage of these blog postings to really interact with the content and develop some ideas for the future.